Prosecuting DUI Cases


On-Demand Webinar: Prosecuting DUI
120-minute presentation
CLE: 2 Credit Hours

Cost: Free 

This online training course, developed by national experts in cooperation with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, the National District Attorneys Association’s National Traffic Law Center, and the National Center for State Courts, is for new and practicing prosecutors. This FREE training course is designed to equip prosecutors with the knowledge, information, and confidence necessary to effectively prosecute DUI cases. The course walks the learner through a first-person simulation of preparing for the prosecution of a fictional DUI case. The training uses a compelling storyline, interactive exercises, document mock-ups, and avatar voiceovers to bring the course content to life.

Completion of all slides of the content module along with successfully passing a knowledge assessment quiz earns the learner a certificate of completion. This training is self-paced, allowing the learner to move at their own pace to complete the content module in one sitting or via multiple sessions. Estimated time for course completion: approx. 1.5 – 2 hours.

NOTE: Consult the FAQ page for helpful instructions prior to starting this course.

Course module topics include:
  • Importance of DUI prosecution
  • Preliminary case review and evaluation
  • Trial preparation
  • Alcohol toxicology 101
  • Common defenses and trial tactics

Attendees should check the CLE tab for updates on which jurisdictions have approved the course for CLE credit. General questions or additional information regarding CLE credit can be directed to

Additional Questions 

Please contact National Traffic Law Center, Senior Attorney, M. Kimberly Brown.

2023 Course Approved CLE States: Prosecuting DUI

For any questions or the course activity number, please contact

Alabama – Approved 

California – Pending state approval

Colorado – Approved

Delaware – Approved

Florida – Approved

Georgia – Approved

Hawaii – Approved

Idaho – Renewal pending approval 

Indiana – Approved

Iowa – Approved

Kansas – Renewal pending state approval

Kentucky – Approved

Louisiana – Approved

Maine – Approved

Minnesota – Approved

Mississippi – Approved

Montana – Approved

Nebraska – Approved

Nevada – Approved

New Jersey – Approved

New Mexico – Approved 1.50 CLE Credits 

North Carolina – Approved

Ohio – Approved

Oregon – Approved

Pennsylvania – Approved

South Carolina – Approved

Tennessee – Approved

Texas – Approved

Utah – Pending state approval

Vermont – Approved

Virginia – Approved

Wyoming – Approved

Technical Requirements
  • Computer Platform: This training website and all course materials are accessible from most connected devices capable of accessing the internet, including most computers, tablets, and mobile devices. The optimum user experience is likely to be had via computer.
  • Web Browser: This training website and all course materials are supported by most modern web browsers. Where individual user discretion is allowed, Google Chrome is the preferred web browser for providing the greatest user experience.
  • Additional Applications: Course Certificates as well as some training materials are provided in PDF format and require access to Adobe Reader or a web browser or other application capable of opening PDF documents.
Pop-Up Windows
  • Some training modules in our courses may open up in a pop-up window or new browser window. Be sure to disable any pop-up blocking on your web browser prior to beginning your training.
  • Helpful Tip: Maximize the module pop-up window to fill your monitor's full screen for increased size and readability.
  • Note: Only one module pop-up window may be open at a time. Close module pop-up windows by either clicking the "x" out button on the pop-up browser window, or by clicking the "exit" button on the course module's main menu.
How to Sign Up

Please note, the recommended browser to complete your registration is Google Chrome. To register follow these steps:

  1. Locate the desired course and click Register.
  2. Select Complete Registration Now or Add to Cart and Complete Registration Later to continue shopping and checkout via the cart when ready. Note: Your spot in a class is not reserved until you complete the checkout process.
  3. Enter your information and click Place My Order.
  4. Click Printable Receipt on the Registration Complete page to print your receipt. You can access course information and handouts from this page.
I am not a member of NDAA. Can I access courses and recordings through this platform?

Yes. You may browse available content such as webinars and courses. You will need to create a free NDAA profile (if you do not already have one) in order to register for a webinar or course, or to access on-demand recordings. Most content is available at a lower cost for NDAA members, so you may want to consider joining NDAA to take advantage of this member benefit.


Certificates are awarded to learners who complete the training course. Upon successful completion of all course requirements, which depending on the requirements for the course, may include viewing of slides, completion of modules and/or quizzes, or the submission of assignments, you will have access to the last module which allows you to download your certificate or print your PDF certificate. If your state is not pre-approved for CLE credit, please download the 'General Certificate.'

If you already completed the course and looking to download your certificate, please reach out to Project Coordinator, Courtney Jan to verify your course completion and she will send your certificate. 

Started the course already?

If you started the course in our previous platform, please note you will need to restart the course in our new platform.


Please contact National Traffic Law Center, Senior Attorney, M. Kimberly Brown.


Prosecuting DUI Cases
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package. This online training course, developed by national experts in cooperation with the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, the National District Attorneys Association’s National Traffic Law Center, and the National Center for State Courts, is for practicing and new prosecutors. This free training course is designed to equip practicing and new prosecutors with the knowledge, information, and confidence necessary to effectively prosecute DUI cases. The course walks the learner through a first-person simulation of preparing for the prosecution of a fictional DUI case. The training uses a compelling storyline, interactive exercises, document mock-ups, and avatar voiceovers to bring the course content to life. Completion of all slides of the content module, along with successfully passing a knowledge assessment quiz, and filling out a course evaluation survey earns the learner a certificate of completion. This training is self-paced, allowing the learner to move at their own pace to complete the content module in one sitting or via multiple sessions. Estimated time for course completion: approx. 1.5 - 2 hours
15 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/15 points to pass
15 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/15 points to pass The test contains 15 questions
13 Questions
13 Questions This survey has 18 questions
Up to 2.50 CLE credits available  |  Certificate available
Up to 2.50 CLE credits available  |  Certificate available
General Certificate
2.00 CLE credits  |  Certificate available
2.00 CLE credits  |  Certificate available